Pathein Catholic Diocese Untitled Document
Untitled Document
Faith Formation/Catechesis

Theological Background:


In his public ministry, Jesus challenged his disciple to have faith in Him and to grow in faith life. The formation is considered as the most fundamental task of the diocese and to grow in the life of faith, the catechesis ( teaching and learning of the instruction on faith) is placed in the hands of community leaders. The catechists are trained and formed in the diocese of Pathein and they collaborate closely with the parish priests in their assigned works.


Commission functioning in the diocese:


The formation of the Catechists started right after the established of the diocese of Pathein in 1956 under the leadership of Bishop George U Kyaw, the first diocesan bishop of Pathein. The Catechist Training school was opened in Myaung Mya as a national Catechist training school. Today there are 120 Catechists both men and women are laboring in the mission of the diocese of Pathein. The Catechist training school are providing training of the candidates to become Catechists under the charge of the priests assigned to the formation works.


Focus Areas  : 


  1. Catechists  Training School
  2. Catechists in Mission and Ongoing Formation
  3. Catechism in parishes


Goal: Ensuring quality faith formation in all levels and uplifting the standard of the Training School and life of the Catechists in mission




●       To promote quality formation of the catechists through upgrading and organizing trainings, renewal courses, ongoing formations, new methodologies on Scriptures and fundamental theology

●       To assure better arrangement of material supports for the catechists so they have dignified and decent livelihood

●       To have a solid faith formation program for all levels of the faithful through catechism classes organized in the parishes